eLearning/online training

Each online learning need is different, some require robust content or curriculum development, others are training activities — how to do something.

Still other projects are compliance activities around particular topics with a need for baseline understanding.

Some projects require stringent reporting or tracking features on individual module components; others just need to be completed with a required level of understanding, a check-off. Each training need is different.

There are projects that require underlying support technology that tracks everything a learner does, stores assessment data and allows for complicated administrative oversight, others can be best supported in an off-the-shelf LMS.

Our goal is to help identify the best solution for you.

  • There are projects that need a level of sophistication or data tracking that can only be accomplished with a system that is custom developed. This involves creating custom web and backend environments that allow you to track and assess the users, and provide for dynamic content presentation based on user input.

    For these projects, we can develop back-end database systems, connected to a smart, web front-end. The level of complexity is totally dependant on your needs. We can build administrative systems that allow you to manage, track and provide reports on access and usage. If you need it, we can build it.

  • Sometimes you just need to get a project done quickly. If the needs for data, tracking or assessments are lighter, then the project doesn't require a high level of design. In those cases we can develop using tools like Articulate to get projects done quickly, but still provide for a rich user experience.

    The nature of products like Articulate is that they allow relatively fast design that also can shorten the review process. Articulate can serve as the storyboard tool and allow us to let you preview as we develop, which creates a faster review cycle. This allows changes to be made much more quickly. These projects can still have a high level of design, and look and feel professional; there are just fewer options for tracking and reporting.

    Articulate projects can be designed so that you can revise content yourself once the project is complete. Staff would need to be trained on the use of Articulate, but you could potentially do light maintenance on the projects.

  • For those cases where you want to manage the content yourself and do not need a great deal of customization, then the use of a learning management system (LMS) is the right choice. We can set up a LMS and work with you to design, develop and deploy your project quickly. This gives you the opportunity to control content revision yourself after launch.

    LMS's do limit the way content is laid out; you lose the customization that you have with a custom-built or an Articulate project. For some projects you do not need the instructional flow possible with a custom-built or an Articulate project, and the option to have total control over the content and revisions without the aid of a developer makes this the best choice.

Data Systems

CAIT believes a data system is not about technology, but rather about people, data, workflows, and reporting. We create solutions that are flexible enough to meet current and changing business needs while also being cost effective.

Our approach to data systems is collaborative and custom tailored to your project. We pride ourselves on truly understanding the goals and outcomes of the system and how data flows within your organization by analyzing, observing, and asking lots of questions.

We leverage Pentaho technology to build custom reports to help you easily retrieve data for your organization. Our developers use Extract Transform Load (ETL) techniques to build a custom OLAP data warehouse to help you easily extract data and trends to help you optimize your trainings and business operations.

When designing data systems we have a user-centered focus built upon interface design principles and standards. This results in the user interface being intuitive, efficient, and quick to navigate.

CAIT's ultimate goal is to be flexible. We have proven experience developing data systems that range from small tracking applications supporting online training modules to state-wide deployments of data warehouses. Our solution is to custom tailor our process, design, and development to your needs and create a data system that is designed specifically for your project.