
was designed as a distance learning curriculum to meet the needs of adult education students who were challenged by schedules or life circumstances and could not attend an adult education program.

Currently, i-Pathways is being used as a distance learning curriculum and as a classroom curriculum, either in a hybrid distance learning model, or as a classroom supplement. i-Pathways has been used by tens of thousands of students across the country.

i-Pathways is currently being deployed statewide in the Illinois Department of Corrections after completing a six-month pilot in seven institutions in Illinois. This is the first time an Internet-based curriculum resource has been used in the Illinois Department of Corrections.

CAIT is a Publisher Partner with the GED® Testing Service and is an authorized GED Ready™ practice test reseller.

i-Pathways was developed in partnership with the Illinois Community College Board.


Mandated Reporter Training

Keeping children safe should be high on everyone's priority list. Mandated reporters serve an integral role in making this happen. Most states and/or employers require people who work with or around children to become mandated reporters. CAIT has years of experience bringing mandated reporter training to life. We have worked with the following institutions to help develop their mandated reporter training.

  • Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Mandated Reporter training
  • Penn State Hershey Medical Center Mandated Reporter training
  • Child and Family Services Agency of Washington D.C. Mandated Reporter training
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Mandated Reporter training
  • Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services Mandated Reporter training

For more information on CAIT’s Mandated Reporter Training System, please visit www.mandatedreporter.org.